Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Jena 6

The following sites supply a lot of useful information about the case of the Jena 6 in Louisiana.

Democracy Now!, a self-proclaimed "independent" member of the media, has a useful and poignant article on the case. The article has a summary of the situation, interviews with local townspeople, and, most importantly, interviews with a number of the accused.

Again, consider visiting Tolerance.org's page on teaching about the Jena 6. In particular, consider using the first link on Revealing Racist Roots. The authors attempt to anchor a discussion of the Jena 6 into the historical context of racism in America. Supplying the historical context is crucial if students are to understand the reasons why racism exists and still permeates this society.

For visual learners, consider the following short but poignant summary from NBC News.

Lastly, CNN has excellent and in-depth coverage of the decisions and deals being made regarding the charges that were filed.

1 comment:

DUQ Student said...

We have received a comment about the nature of the Jena 6 video that was posted - it should be noted that the purpose of that video, which came out a short time after the incident, was to demonstrate the racial tensions that existed at that time.